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    Militaria Zone is the world's leading online militaria marketplace where you'll find thousands of items from the best militaria dealers.

    We're found at the top of Google for militaria related searches, and the site is really busy generating sales for the dealers on the site.

    Apply using the form at the bottom of this page or contact us on 323 410 1032 email hello@ph9.com.

    Page 1
    Google rankings
    50k +
    Google images listings
    websites link to us
    of daily visitors

    Benefits of membership

    Build your client base

    Build your client base

    Expand your client list and reach new buyers who can become regular clients.

    No commission

    No commission

    We do not take a commission from any sales you make on the site.

    Extra visitors to your own site

    Extra visitors to your own site

    Each item on Militaria Zone has a link to view the item on your own website and we find dealers get increased sales through their own sites.

    Enquiries sent straight to you

    Enquiries sent straight to you

    We email enquiries direct to you, and you'll also get an SMS notification too.

    Stats / monthly report

    Stats / monthly report

    We'll email you a monthly report with stats, and our dealer area contains insider reports on what's hot and what's trending on the site so you can make better buying decisions.

    Help on the phone

    Help on the phone

    If you get stuck or need help we're here for you on UK: +44 (0)1332 898 429 or USA: 323 410 1032

    Dealer page<

    Dealer page

    You'll have your own dealer page showcasing all your items.

    Bulk import

    Bulk import all your items

    We can import all your items from places like Antiques Atlas, Concept 500, Selling Antiques, your own website, or a spreadsheet.

    Apply before Tue 30th Apr 2024 and get:-
    3 month free trial
    Then 20% off for your first year

    ...so pay just $39.99 $31.99 after your free trial

    Application form

    If you have any queries or issues filling in the below, just contact Emma or Liv on 323 410 1032 or email hello@ph9.com.

    Your details

    Your name *
    Business name *
    Tel *
    Email *

    Tell us about you...

    What kind of items do you sell? *
    Tell us more about your business *

    Examples of items you sell

    Please attach some pictures of the kinds of items you sell

    These should be pictures that you intend using on Militaria Zone so we can assess the photography quality. You can find our guidelines on photo quality by clicking here.


    If you do not provide any example pictures, your application will be denied.

    Example item 1
    Example item 2
    Example item 3

    Prices exclude VAT for UK dealers