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    Return and refund policy

    Militaria Zone is an online marketplace. All the items for sale on this website are sold by individual dealers, who have been approved to sell on the site.

    When buying an item from a dealer, please check what their return or refund policies are. Generally if you are buying the item without having seen it first (online, mail or telephone order) then distance selling regulations apply. These vary depending on where you and the dealer is located.


    According to gov.uk, online, mail and telephone order customers have the right to caxncel their order for a limited time even if the goods are not faulty. Sales of this kind are known as ‘distance selling’.

    Dealers must offer a refund to customers if the buyer has told them within 14 days of receiving their goods that they want to cancel. The buyer has another 14 days to return the goods.

    The dealer must refund the customer within 14 days of receiving the goods back. The buyer does not have to provide a reason.

    Further information on the gov.uk website.


    According to EU rules on the europa.eu website, in the EU you have the right to return purchases made online or through other types of distance selling, such as by phone, mail order or from a door-to-door salesperson, within 14 days for a full refund. You can do so for any reason – even if you simply changed your mind.

    Further information on the europa.eu website.

    United States

    The U.S. does not have federal laws affecting returns and refunds. Please check with dealer about their return policies, and/or the Federal Trade Commission.

    Please note that Militaria Zone do not get involved in the transaction between buyer and dealer, and provide no warranty with regards to return or refund.